Thursday, December 3, 2009

If I were a "Good" Politician

Well, hearing what most people think about politicians sometimes makes me feel "YEeeeOOUU!!". I've always wondered if there cannot be a good politician, somebody who always thinks about good of the country and always want to do good for the people, always spends his time and money for ONLY good, and not anything less than good. But to my surprise I have found none yet. Of course, somebody like Gandhi Ji and many other Indian patriots have existed, but that is not my point. I'm just saying that even people like him make mistakes(and the reply you give is, AFTER ALL, WE'RE JUST HUMANS!!) But this is no excuse, because politicians are in such a responsible position and they cannot make mistakes.

Politicians always say what they will do when they come to power, and do what they never said after that. But this also in one way gives jobs to unbelievably many critics and the opposition party too! Why does the ruling party always wants to do the exact opposite of what the oposition party is saying, continues to be a mystery.

There are some dedicated politicians who dedicate their lives to bribing and other such cruel acts. I do respect them, and I wish they go to jail/hell very soon.
I wouldn't say that some of the bad politicians make the good ones get a bad name, but that almost everyone are bad and this scenario needs a change. If they brought a new bill passed, there is something that benefits them. Maybe the political atmosphere like that! I dont know! Currently I am doing my engineering course, but that has to do nothing with me joining politics. The only qualification to become a politician is said to be "Weapons". But I have only one knife, that too is busy used by my mom to cut onions.

I always have wondered why so many learned people, people who are in good jobs earning lacks and crores of money, bribe to make more. And people who are in a hand to mouth living, they dont bribe(or maybe, they dont get a chance?). Whatever it is, the whole earth is going against what it is supposed to be. God created this earth out of love, and any wickedness in this world, will be purely new to this earth and it will blow up on their faces like its doing these days. And the credit goes to these politicians as well.

I will become a politician one day and I will change the world, because I am like chrome, I seek simple solutions to complex problems... :D Just wait for me.. I'm coming.... :P

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